2019 Outhouse Races

Saturday, February 16, 2019

2:00 p.m.

Downtown on Portage Avenue


Join us for a rootin’ tootin’ good time as teams compete for trophies and prizes in Downtown Sault Ste. Marie’s 15th annual Outhouse Race event! Participate or bring your family and friends to spectate these hilarious races! 


NEW! Take part in the first ever YOOPER FASHION SHOW during halftime of Outhouse Races. Dress in your fancy furs, best flannels, Carhartts, and Stormy Kromer’s to strut your stuff down the snowy runway for a chance to be crowned “Most Yoopery Dressed Yooper!”Judging and prizes to be awarded!
Don’t miss this jam-packed day of outdoor fun!


2019 Outhouse Race Information and Rules 

2019 Outhouse Race Registration

Outhouse Race Waiver